lonely talk.

God kväll. eller godnatt. good night. buenas noches. eller alltihop på en gång. polishhh swedish spanish english italienishh  finish... a lots of languages in my head nowadays. well. tonight is majkas last night here in malaga... :(
I said it before, and i say it again. THE worst part of travelling around like this, is those parts when u unfortunately have to leave. or when someone you like has to. but it's a part as well... and all experiences make us stronger. especially the sad ones. unfortunately. welllll.................... THIS weeeek....
majka is gone. jenni is gone. dani is gone. will be sitting here alone on my terrazza , watching my basilika and sunflowers dying in their pots. i am a bad gardener. for sure. couldn't even keep a cactus alive. ..
tomorrow is still an unexplored adventure , have no idea what do to except for eating the carbonara leftovers from today... want to start draw agin, but it feels like I lost it completely. KANSKE man ska ta sig en tur upp till slottet. yes, the castle and me. on the secret spot. picnic and inspiration. hihih. eh
mygoooooooddddddd i have to sleep now. ge mig lite bra musiiik, tack,  MAESTRO!
No fixed adress.
By the way, i suggest that all of you who read this, click on this link and listen to my friend when he's singing!
click on the song "new day".
hejjjjja OFFE!

Shoot baby!
Postat av: Trine (igjen)

Det beste som Bergen noen gang kunne gi deg; "PHILTER" Nice music=) Kanskje du blir litt inspirert av det også=) love

2011-07-20 @ 13:12:28
Postat av: Sandra :)

kom gärna in och anmäl dig till veckans blogg

2011-07-20 @ 21:19:29
URL: http://sandraboqvist.myshowroom.se


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